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Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions. Radhaa Nilia, Michael Pestano, Michelle Kearney Lopez, Susan Hassen, Maya Verzonilla

Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions

250 pages | 7 Mb
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  • Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions
  • Radhaa Nilia, Michael Pestano, Michelle Kearney Lopez, Susan Hassen, Maya Verzonilla
  • Page: 250
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • Publisher: Radhaa Publishing
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“Awakening Starseeds: Shattering Illusions, Volume 1” We are in a time of great change. One where we must make a choice that will shape our collective destiny. We must choose to either ‘WAKE UP’ or continue to be a sleepwalker in the slumber of mundane life. Those who are awakening at this time are known as Starseeds or lightworkers. They are the forerunners of our collective human awakening. They have been planted on Earth at this time to contribute to this current shift in consciousness. “This book contains transcendental experiences carrying the readers into other realms. A multidimensional weaving of real life stories from all walks of life.” Raw and revealing experiences, real-life stories shared by authors who shamelessly and openly recognize they are in the process of shedding the old paradigm. Each author offers their inner strength and courage, sharing vulnerabilities from an authentic place. Collectively, these authors are healing the planet by healing themselves and speaking truths that would not have been readily embraced just a few years ago. “Like precious gems, these experiences unearthed from deep within contain invaluable teachings. The triumphant starseed stories in this book will assist in awakening other starseeds who are still groping in the dark, and needing to connect with their tribe. These stories will become the bridge to other starseeds who are looking for inspiration and guidance.” Real people with real stories. One of the most unusual books on the market today because it is a collaborative effort from our international community. Authors come from Asia, Europe, Middle East, Canada, and, of course, the United States of America. Awakening Starseeds encompassess diversity, brilliance, precious knowledge, wisdom, and gifts of healing.            The Starseed Authors for this first edition collaboration include: Radhaa Nilia, Michael Pestano, Maya The Shaman, Michelle Lopez, Lyn Pacifica, Stasia Bliss, Joshua Hathaway, Captain Cosmic, Jenn Tamera Arredondo, Robert Rubin, Cristal Ortiz, Arrameia Auraire Araiss, Byron Bradley Carrier, Teza Zialcita, Lillie Love, Karuna Chinckhede, Lalitah Sunra, Abigail Diaz Juan

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